Turning the Tide

Greetings everyone! It’s been quite awhile since I’ve been verbal at all, so I’m happy to work on becoming so again. It’s so easy to just hold it all in. After awhile, it’s like there is just too much to say or explain and so the saga of holding it in continues. I couldn’t begin to tell you what I’ve been doing, feeling, thinking, etc. so I’ll just start anew.

For one, I removed some pages from my website. For me, pages are like books and I never get rid of books. But what if the stories don’t fit me anymore? I really don’t need to refer back to them. So I got rid of them. I also got rid of my services page. That’s another story all together, but I had energetically blocked services (coming from me) many years ago. That story was painful, and it got brought to light this week by a dear friend so I am revisiting it within now.

Am I tracking with you? I ask only because I feel like what I type is not very readable or understandable. Rhetorical question of course – you may read this later but you aren’t here with me now.

Which brings me to the topic of current events. Are you experiencing isolation? I prefer isolation most of the time, but admit that too much of a good thing can be detrimental. If it’s bothering you, flip the script to make it more positive. You can be thankful for the time you have to spend in meditation, or organizing your house, or resting for instance. The half-full or half-empty attitude is all up to you! I encourage you to try the half-full attitude and see how you feel. It’s all about how you feel and if something feels good, then don’t worry what anyone else is saying about it. (Hint: you won’t harm others generally if something feels good. If you have to think about it, take the time to do so and act in accordance with what your heart tells you.)

During this period where we are largely at home, I’ve been working 10 hour days. So not a lot of time to do things others may have the opportunity to do if you are off work or furloughed. I know you’ve got to pay bills, but if you’ve not had to work, try and see the “half-full” and be thankful for the time to just be you. That’s not a luxury we have in this modern world most of the time. This virus may have given us a gift we didn’t know we needed.

Without the constant stream of people every day, though, I did have extra time to be alone with my thoughts and practice introspection a little more than I have had time for. I started this post yesterday, and I wasn’t able to finish it because I hadn’t yet turned the tide. I’ll write about that later, but rediscovering your Self and growing is such an important part of our lives. I’m thankful that I had the opportunity to shift again.

That’s all for now. Much love and blessings, and #missingerin