Yes, You ARE Receiving Messages from the Universe

This morning a friend chatted with me about a recent experience, which prompted me to send her the link to my “guide talk” page. I didn’t think much about it but it suddenly dawned on me that literally all of us receive messages “guiding” us on a daily basis, and most of us dismiss those messages.

People think this is a formal deal and has to be hard. That is absolutely not so. How many times have you been down or thinking of someone, and the perfect song comes on the radio? Or you get a gut feeling about something that turns out to be true? (Psst…your gut is your internal guidance system!) Maybe you’re thinking of a deceased loved one and smell their perfume, or something similar. These are just some of the ways that you receive messages from someone or some energy that isn’t a physical human speaking to you.

You’ve noticed that I use terms that are more broad and general, but you can call it whatever makes you comfortable. Some people call it God, some say they hear from their angels, or their guides, or their ancestors. Maybe it’s their subconscious. And maybe these are all true and different sources, or maybe it’s the same source – Source! But we get helpful nudges and information and our physical bodies do receive it. Then it’s up to us to act.

If you want to take a more active role and connect, use the link I posted above. You will learn that your brain (hardware) and your imagination (software) work together to make sense of things. That’s why if you always associate red balloons with your Aunt Margie you will know when you see them all day that Aunt Margie is trying to get your attention. You have to have it in your database so to speak for it to be meaningful. Then you need to become comfortable with visualization, which isn’t hard. You will always know when something pops in spontaneously and no, you didn’t make it up.

Trust me, even those of us who are well-versed get messages we ignore. I once smelled my mother’s blend of cigarette smoke, perfume, and hairspray (which I HATED growing up as it permeated the house in the mornings) for 4 days until it dawned on me what it was. I acknowledged her and in a few hours, it was gone. FOUR DAYS. LOL!

Do non-positive spirits communicate? Yes, they do, but you should know the difference. Positive energy will never tell you to do unhealthy or negative things, or give you scary messages. Not that some information won’t be scary. For instance, the gut instinct to not get on that plane may be telling you don’t get on the plane! That is information though, not telling you to do or say something harmful.

While we’re at it, don’t discount your dreams. Even symbolic dreams are telling you something you need to know. If you have a lucid dream or receive a direct message, write it down. It was important!

This is a fun topic, so maybe I’ll get some comments.

Love and blessings,
