My Homeopathy Journey Part 2

In mid-March 2021 I took Candida Parapsilosis (commonly called Candida Par) 30C strength to combat the candida overgrowth that I’ve had most of my life. I had yeast infections as a young kid. My pediatrician treated it with Mycolog, and had my mother use only Ivory soap and not let me use bubble bath. I didn’t know it wasn’t normal. I literally had yeast infections ALL THE TIME and had a running prescription for Mycolog. When I got older I changed over to Monistat. I thought that was something that women have. Again, didn’t know it wasn’t normal.

There are many reasons that Candida gets out of control in a body. I think mine can be attributed to 1. stress, and 2. sugar. My mother ate Total cereal but we drank the hell out of some cokes! I drank coke day and night. They were unlimited at my house. So go figure.

Did you know that Candida can cause things like:

  • Brain fog
  • Lethargy
  • Weight gain
  • Candida “outbreaks” such as yeast infections and skin lesions (like Athlete’s foot)
  • Inflammation
  • Sinus issues
  • Stomach issues resembling ulcers (more on that in a minute!)

OK, admittedly I listed all of the things that I suffer from that Candida aggravates. There are more. Go read up on it!

Some of my Candida high points include at least two instances, about a year apart, of whole body “Athlete’s Foot.” I honestly though the first time it was poison ivy and I tried to wait it out 6 weeks before seeing my then practitioner. She confirmed through muscle testing that it was candida, and I took the prescribed item and it immediately went away. The second time I recognized it. Looking back, I think it was brought on by a lot of stress. Stress causes dis-ease in your body or at least sets up the conditions for dis-ease to flourish.

Last year I had what I thought was stomach ulcers. I threw up a lot and was nauseated every time that I ate. I finally got in for both an endoscopy and a colonoscopy and the only thing that they found? Candida of the esophagus! Well, they were perplexed, because normally only HIV or otherwise immune compromised patients have this. I’ve had a lot of stress over the last 10 years or so, and I guess I finally succumbed.

Back to the Candida Par…

After 1 week I had bloating, fatigue, and weight gain (which was on the rise anyway). Blemishes, gas, and chapped lips were worse.

On 3/29 I woke with a migraine after having a headache since 10 am on 3/28. I relented and took 2 Excedrin and Afrin (which was a no-no). It was what Sharon calls a “violent headache.” For those who correlate these types of things, there was a full moon on 3/28 (I need to track these closer – I had another migraine last week during the eclipse). And whatever is going on in my ears (eczema?), well they itched horribly.

On 3/30 I had inflamed salivary glands, then on 3/31 I had an angry rash on my upper left chest. I still have a remnant. Then on 4/2, I got thrush – yay! Just kidding…yeast in your mouth is really uncomfortable.

Fast forward to 4/3 and I had a stuffy sinus and headache all day. I also had a lot of gas, all week.

I’ve had these symptoms in little bunches since, especially the itching spots. I had another migraine on 4/15 and thankfully Arnica 200C helped.

Another migraine on 5/25 which got bad enough for me to take Excedrin again. I had an important meeting that morning and just couldn’t. 🙁 I had blurred vision and sensitivity to cold all week. The total time from headache inception to going away was 6-7 days this time. I also took Thuja, but haven’t looked into it yet. I assumed that I antidoted it by taking the Excedrin but then figured out I hadn’t, but did by drinking some coffee the following Friday.

Now I am caught up, and will share my meeting with Sharon and new remedy with you tomorrow!
Love and blessings,
