Tag: erin

Pain to Peace, Parts 3 & 4

I wasn’t sure what I was going to write this morning, because I have some other thoughts swirling around, but I think they need more time to cook before they come out. Yet here I am. So on to the Pain to Peace section taken from Turning the Corner on Grief Street, by Terri Daniel… …

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Thoughts Inspired by Baby Emily

Ah, what timing. As I begin typing this, a school bus arrives with the kids from next door, and just the idea that someone’s kids are coming home is downright painful for me. But that isn’t a reality that I can get away from, and I am glad their kids are safe and home. So …

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Pain to Peace Pt. 2

I am not feeling so hot right now, which is why I picked up my “pen and paper” and got right to it this morning. The second point in the Pain to Peace chapter, is called We Invite In What We Would Usually Try to Avoid. Here is the sub text: “When faced with intense …

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Musings Today

I am not sure why but as the day progresses, I notice I get deeply depressed. Maybe it is because in the course of a day, near the end of it is when a family sits down together. For dinner, to watch television, or play games, or whatever. My body, mind, and spirit knows at …

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