Conscious Creation

Hello, Mike Larry here. This is my first post. Thanks, Annaielle, for letting us become part of your site!

I’m a metaphysicist. I see reality as one big puzzle, and it’s BEAUTIFUL!

Today I’d like to speak of conscious creation. It has been said in the Bible that we humans are created in the image of the creator. That doesn’t mean the creator has 2 eyes, 2 ears and a mouth. That means you are consciousness, like the creator! And as consciousness, you can create!

As children of the creators, we are also creators in our own right. Indeed, we create every single moment! Every time we hold a thought in our mind, we create. Most often, the thought needs time to gather momentum and form into something “real”. But also, we often contradict ourselves. We can’t make up our minds.

You might daydream about having a beautiful house. Then you catch yourself and say no, that’s impossible.

I’m telling you, it’s possible! You just have to be consistent about it. And follow a few rules.

Rule # 1: MOMENTUM. Everything needs to start small. The more often you think about something, and the more passionate you are about it, the more you give your dream energy. And all that accumulated energy is what we call Momentum. Now if you push this way for a while and push the other way the next while, you’re going to get nowhere fast. That’s common sense. =) So you have to start small and be consistent about it.

To help with consistency, you will need to develop habits that push you in the direction you want to go. And the best way to do that is to create a routine, and get people who love you to support that routine.

Now, let’s start small. The best place to start learning is by learning to create positive thoughts and emotions. In your spare time, take a piece of paper and write down the positive things you see in yourself. Or your boss, or your father, or your wife. Somebody you have a relationship with. Start with “I love myself.” or “I love my wife. She is very intelligent.”

Then read the paper aloud. WITH FEELING. Very important. Every day.

Then, the next time you interact with them, remember that piece of paper and allow those positive thoughts to come into the present. Notice the difference.

Some people call this neurolinguisting programming, or NLP. Meaning you’re using language to influence  your brain. Except that it’s not your brain you’re influencing at all – its the Universe. Your Universe.

The more time you spend creating positive energy this way, the more momentum you will have at your disposal.

One way you can sabotage your efforts of creating positive energy is by allowing old bad habits of thinking to creep up on you. One minute you’re watching HBO, and the next minute you’re brooding over somebody the actor reminded you of. LOL. Yes, you can control this. But you need to prepare for it. And to do this you need to be aware of it.

So use NLP again to tell yourself “I AM going to catch myself whenever I think negative thoughts.” And read it again, and again, to yourself, aloud and with feeling. This is a good thing. It will help you change your old habits into something more conducive to creating what you want.

Now when you do catch yourself, don’t scold yourself. Don’t be negative upon yourself. Just remember what you’re trying to create, and readjust your thinking to the positive. And praise yourself for catching yourself, saying “Good work!”

This is not something you do once or twice and expect results from. This is something you have to be patient with yourself with. But believe me, it works.

Rule # 2: Karma. Karma is almost like momentum – in fact it’s practically the same. Momentum, you control. Karma comes back to you when you least expect it. =) Other than that, they’re exactly the same.

You see, when Atlantis fell, the Masters of this planetary experiment decided there had to be a way to teach man not to create destructively. Sorry for the pun. Without karma, we would simply destroy each other over and over again, and never learn our lessons. With Karma, the lesson is that “What you do to others, you do to yourself.”

So if you want more abundance, create more abundance for others. If you want knowledge, give knowledge to others. If you want joy, give joy to others.

Rule # 3: Intent.

I’ll tell you a story. I was up in the mountains, looking for my machete. I lost it the day before. Now I was asking the angels to help me find it. I looked and looked, but to no avail. Then I realized I was doing it the wrong way.

My intent was wrong. I was being materialistic and egotistic. I wanted to find my machete coz it cost me 200 pesos, which is a lot where I am. What kind of request to the angels was that? “Angels, help me find my machete – it costs a lot!” So I changed my intent – I asked for their help not to find it because I hate to lose money, but because I wanted to plant some bamboo – I wanted to give life to baby plants. Guess what? Within 2 minutes, I found it! =)





Truth Transmissions – Lyn Buchanan Interview


Great interview from September 9, 2012. Enjoy!

September 26, 2012 – What Now?

It’s funny how as I write a title for what I am going to write on any given day, the title just writes itself and then the blog or article follows suit. Most of the time I do not know why I write a title in the way it comes out, but alas, it reveals itself.

I would suppose that many are at this point saying “What now?” because it’s a valid question. Many of us are finishing up with our emotional clearing roller coaster rides (at least as finished as we can get, for the moment). We are cleaning up and cleaning out both figuratively and literally. We are even pulling back as we see the world implode around us. Others are waking up now, and they are thinking WTF?!? Some may be thinking oh no, I woke up too late. Others may just be in awe, while others still are overwhelmed. What to do? What to do? 

Oddly enough, Kem (my monad / higher self) has told me to simply CONNECT. I am to do this through what he calls “grid work,” or simply forming new energetic pathways around the world connecting to others. I have shunned this work for a long, long time while I went deep within. For anyone who has kept up with me via this website, you know that it has stagnated beyond belief! On most days I cannot bring myself to even log on, because that opens up energy pathways that I cannot bear to feel. In these last days of 2012 – the end of the world as we know it to be cliche – I no longer have a choice. It is all about connections.

My message today is, Let Us All Connect. Connect to those with like energies. Connect to those newly awakened, then move on to old souls who maybe you have known for eons. Connect with whomever you are guided to. Crisscross the globe with new pathways. You don’t have to physically travel. This information super highway also carries our consciousness! When we communicate it makes pathways around the world in the blink of an eye. Those more traveled are well-worn just like a physical path in the forest. Others are there for only an instant. But they connect with all of us points of light, and they create a new tomorrow. 

Yes, a new tomorrow! Even a new today. The new energy grid is what is holding the space for what we will build together. It is both exciting and frightening to say this! It means we must take responsibility and be accountable. But that is the way of higher vibrational expressions! If we can let go of the fear, we will grow just as a plant does towards the sun, and bloom when we have reached new heights. In fact, we will bloom over and over. We are blooming now.

Thank you for allowing me to make this connection with YOU today. Across all space/time, Namaste and the utmost of blessings!


Blog for August 20, 2012

Well, so much for saying I will write on a regular basis. That just isn’t in the cards for me this year, or last! I wonder if others feel the same way I do, as in I see this year specifically as a wrap up for me in terms of finishing life lessons, sort of like trials and tribulations.

Those of you who know me well are no stranger to my prime emotional root issues having to do with the MOTHER. Wow, what a theme? The goddess, the mother, the parent, the womb…I could go on but you get the point. Those of you who do not know me well, well, what you’re about to hear is not bitterness. I worked on that a long time ago and it’s all but gone. But I would be lying if I said I am not irritated that this all encompassing theme keeps popping up in my lives. Yes, lives. Past, present, parallel – let’s hope I fix it so all chronologically future timelines can be free of this mess!

So I came into this life to an emotionally handicapped mother, an extremely loving father who died when I was 4 (developed ALS when I was 2), and I literally became The Mother by around age 7. I like to capitalize that – The Mother – because it is all-encompassing for this idea of the feminine. We have all expressed it and lived it in different ways, and I am not just talking about the incarnate female gender but males too. Yep, we’ve all been everything, or most of us have.

Back to my story. Recently in a past life regression with Lamont Hamilton (he’s great by the way!), I finally saw myself back in Atlantis. I have slowly recovered memories and I knew I had to know what I was, or rather what I had done, back in that timeline. And I didn’t get it until just a few days ago. I saw myself as “in charge” of what appeared to be hybrid genetic research. There was a facility full of babies of all sorts, and many adults as well. Much like today, my colleagues treated them as objects and did not acknowledge that they had feelings. Due to position, I was able to protect many of them but still had to “carry out my duties” in order to keep that position. I guess it was better than nothing at all? Well, there was a special one who had tremendous affection for me and I for him, not as lovers, but as family. And it was very difficult. I can feel those feelings now.

When I left the regression I admit that I thought, ok so that wasn’t so horrible. I was not so horrible. But I didn’t quite get it.

A few weeks ago my mother moved in with me, probably permanently. I said she was emotionally handicapped…more like fractured. She has always been, and thus has not made good decisions, and that has become a big ball of very ugly wax over the course of 69 years. She is finally “broken,” much like Humpty Dumpty in the sense that I can’t put her back together again. The fact that she is here infuriates me. I have another child. It is a lot of pressure. She looks to me for all of this care, more than my 8 year old daughter. I have no privacy, she always wants something from me – attention, conversation, to do something for me. I do not want to be The Mother. Not to her, not to my own daughter, not to anyone. It is time for me to take a break. I want to be the child for once.

Once I realized this, I saw that this is a holdover from Atlantis, where I was The Mother, literally. I created many of those beings, and I cared for them. I loved them. And in the end I could not do what all mothers are SUPPOSED TO DO – protect my children. This is a huge burden, carried over eons. But talking about it eases some of the pain, and alleviates some of the irritation and frustration.

I am finding myself now with my bio-Mom repeating some of the behaviors that I carried on in Atlantis. I am assuring her everything will be ok (lies? Maybe), managing her, redirecting unwanted behaviors, and smiling when I want to beat her to a pulp. She never took this good of care of me, instead saying “You are old enough” for whatever unsavory behavior I was exposed to. I could say “Well you are 68 years old deal with it.”

But no, I am The Mother, and I am the Protector and the Watcher and the Goddess. And so are you – many of you, male and female alike. Our Mother is on her way back around. I hope she will reassure us that we have done a good job, that she won’t leave us for so long again, and that she loves us. I hope that she will take up the mantle of being THE Mother once again, and that balance will be restored. I am full of hope, and I haven’t given up yet. This is my trial and my tribulation, a test for the ages. Sure hope I pass.


Today’s blog August 2 2012

Well I woke up full of something today. I hate to call it venom, because it’s not hate related. But I have something to say! That hasn’t been so for awhile. It tells me that cycles have yet again changed, and I am on a vocal one.

My thoughts today are somewhat random, yet organized. I guess when you stay silent for so long you tend to blurt everything out at once. So here it goes.

Had I not done so much emotional clearing over the years, I would be in a very bad space right now. Thank you Jelaila Starr for taking me down that path. I have mentioned to countless people over countless years how actually doing emotional clearing work – doing the work – can help you to be a more balanced person who experiences far less emotional pain than the average Joe. It’s true. If anyone wants to know about my own experiences I am not shy and will tell all if asked. I am certainly an advocate for good old fashioned cleaning that emotional house. It’s not fun. It’s not glamorous or mysterious, but it works.

I am learning that despite my idealism, sometimes you just have to deal with things the best way that you can for the circumstances. My mother has recently started medication of the anti-psychotic kind. I do not advocate this for anyone who can be helped in another way. Hence my emotional clearing rant from the last paragraph, and I also have other healing modalities that i have personally used and seen used – and they work. But my mother is 68 years old, has been emotionally crippled for years, and the past 5-7 years have been a devastating blow to her. So why am I even bitching to myself about giving her something that will make the last few years of her life (presumably) happy ones? I don’t know, so I’m quitting the bitching and playing with the cards I have – her cards, my cards.

I now live in a multi-generational household. This was not my choice, but was set up by Kem, my monad (higher self). Why would he do this to me you ask? (I say that in jest) Well, there will be many changes this year and worrying about my mother or anyone else would be a distraction. So he fixed it, and here I am. With access to all of the multidimensional knowledge that I do not have, I am going with Kem’s flow. I chose to include this because many of you may be faced with similar situations and I urge you to step out of the 3D drama that you see around you and really find out why you’re facing certain circumstances. It’s not always as it seems. For me, I am like a mother bear to those in my care and I do not rest if I don’t know the status of my cubs. When it comes time for me to help others in my lightworker capacity (I mean when the earth changes really get started), I need to know my cubs are safe. My biological mother has been in my care since I was 7 years old, so she is indeed one of my cubs. We must share a wonderful karmic bond (laughing).

I have a tremendous sense of foreboding today. If I find out more I will share. For now, let me share a new Archangel Michael board that I am co-owning with Athena – Finding Your Angel Ways. Hope you enjoy!


7/19/2012 – Coming Out of the Fog

I have been compelled to begin writing again for awhile, but I have not been well and so haven’t wanted  to put myself back out there – even if no one is reading! Just to make the outward connection seems to drain my internal resources in a way that I haven’t been able to bear.

I wonder how many others are feeling this way? I can’t imagine how those who are just now awakening feel. They are truly coming out of the fog! But those of us who have been at this awhile, we have our own ups and downs that are similar yet different than the newly awakened ones. I marvel at people like Lisa Gawlas who blogs on a near constant basis, no matter what is going on or how tired she is. I thought of her in particular – her energy is so awesome! I think of people who I have seen and their physical bodies are not very healthy (looking anyway), and yet they are able to weather these energy storms and upgrades with apparent ease. I neglected the physical for some time, and I have suffered for it. To put it in computer terms, my software has stressed the hardware (body) to the limit. I need an upgrade, and fast.

I am certainly the pot calling the kettle black in this case, as my husband can tell you I am very often inactive, and I allow food cravings to get the best of me. I worked on my emotional and etheric bodies for years, and in high gear, but I get stopped by my poor physical body. Poor as in poor resources not wealth. The times I have listened to my guides and just gotten fit again, I’ve jumped in frequency in a huge way. I even fasted once recently. Again, big jump.

For the past 3 weeks I have had insufferable back pain. It began when the solar flares started up again. On Sunday of this week, the back pain was gone but I ended up with acute sciatica in my right leg and can hardly walk. That was definitely solar flare related – the one that shot off July 14 arrived near that time. But I also picked up some entities that came in through my back-related weak aura point and took advantage of the other weaknesses in my body. What I ended up with is a ravaged nervous system. Oh yay. Can’t you feel the excitement?

I write with the sentiment that maybe my experiences will help someone else. I’ve learned that this is the case – sharing your experiences does help others. But when you’re down, you’re down, and I feel way down. The bright side is that there is only upward to go!

On a separate note, the 2013 Chronicles site has run its course and will be taken down soon. I’ll be sure to preserve the story here and perhaps other places as well.


May is FINALLY Over!

I feel like I should apologize for not posting for most of May. The energies of May really kicked my ass. Now we are on the cusp of the lunar eclipse (June 4) and Venus Transit (June 5), and I admit I am still a bit out of sorts. I sort of just felt bad the whole month, didn’t exercise, and didn’t write. I barely read anyting either, just enough to not get my ass kicked by my guides! LOL

We are now at the half way mark of 2012. Use it wisely, and I’ll try to resume writing again.


The May 5 Energy Hangover!

Well, I began writing an article about the tremendous energies I experienced on May 5, 2012 on May 6. I didn’t get very far! I already felt overwhelmed and I knew I wasn’t hitting the mark with what I wanted to say. Actually, I had that “empty” and tired feeling you get when you’ve spent a day at the pool in the sun and water. I don’t know why, but that is a very distinct feeling and that’s exactly what I felt like. As the week went on I edited what I wrote once or twice, but I was still wiped out. What little energy I had was spent on family (having a child wears you out all by itself!), and on my 3D job that pays the bills.

I have the pleasure of being responsible for a lot of humans with my job. I say that as a joke, actually, because in the end I really do find that I care for and like most of them, even when they act like an idiot and are doing anything except for what we’re paying them to do. And before you judge me for calling anyone an idiot, keep in mind that just last December we had someone poop in the urinal at the office. I would like to think that they temporarily lost their mind. But I digress.

So last Wednesday I had a trying day as I had to leave my home office and go spend the day at the local office on personnel issues. The move to a home office was actually a blessing, because for the most part I get to ride out these energies without having others to drain my energy field. Not so last Wednesday. I came home dead tired and was thrilled that no one was home. I laid down to take a nap but couldn’t sleep much. It was like the fatigue was overridden by the intense bombardment of energy that was still going on.

On Thursday morning at 5am I woke up with a headache. I knew what to do…asked my husband to get me the nasal spray and the aspirin and I thought by the time MY alarm went off I’d be fine. Uh-uh. I kept the headache until sometime on Friday May 11. And by that time I had taken more aspirin than I should have, which made me feel bad all by itself.

May 11 was my 15th wedding anniversary, and we had planned to do some stuff that we consider fun. I was excited and had asked for the day off of work. I got as far as lunch and got the worst case of the big “D” that I have had in ages! Afterward I was pooped (no pun intended!) and had to take a nap. Again, very intense fatigue that was almost overridden by the intense energy I could feel coming in. At one point I felt that “after pool” feeling again. I was still being cleaned out. It was intense!!

Truthfully I felt terrible all weekend. And this morning, I realized that I feel like I had a several day long hangover. I won’t lie – I used to love to drink alcohol and while I still love beer, it doesn’t agree with my body or my spiritual path’s work. But I submit that those of you who have ever had a bad hangover will never forget what it feels like!

The best I can describe what happened to me during this last week is that I was “burned out” and “burned up” in a sense. The energy really cleansed me of what I did not need in my being, hence the bout with the big D as I lovingly call it, and also the hangover feeling (which you would get if you were burning off alcohol!). And I really, really wanted to write about it, but darn it, I just couldn’t I felt so bad.

I know that some of you, too, got a really big dose of it and hopefully you took good care of yourself. You may have seen others around you waking up even, and hopefully you were able to help them. I have seen in several newsletters that I receive that more energy is coming. I see the activity on the sun and last night on the local radar, I saw a HAARP ring for the first time. I have had some really interesting and intense dream state activity as well. So we are in for some big changes.

Right now I’m “keeping my head above water…” (yes, I’m singing the “Good Times” theme song!), but wishing you all well as you navigate through these interesting energy times.


Synchronicity Abounds!

What an interesting day I’ve had today! I was guided to go to the Galactic Free Press forum – I had not yet visited that portion of their website – and I found a post that Kem said I should respond to. It was a very nice lady who was experiencing some fear about the ETs, and she had assumed they were all of the same mindset. So I responded to her explaining some were nice, some not so nice, etc. Just like people.

After a couple of posts, she signed her name ET and said “these really are my initials!” Well that was funny, but I didn’t see anything other than a cute coincidence at that point.

When I returned to my work email, I had a note from a local technical college who wanted us to participate in their PAC. If that wasn’t enough, it was from…ET. I won’t give that lady’s name, but her initials were also ET and it actually read for her name “ET at 116.” The PAC is being held on May 9. Let’s sum up:

  • ET “contact” twice in the midst of an hour today
  • PAC – realized later that it wasn’t the same initials as Sheldan Nidle’s PAO’s, but that was the gist that my guides told me at the time I received it. They called it Planetary Action Committee.
  • 116 – I was born at 1:16am – rebirth?
  • Happens May 9, which is the date that the man doing the Timewave Zero synopsis said that the novelty period ends on. Also, 5/9 = 14 = 5, which is the number of change. If you add the year 2012 to the mix, it’s a 1 which is unity.

I make no predictions here, but that was the most fun I’ve had in several days and can’t wait to see what pans out.

I seem to recall from a couple of wonderful YouTube’s I’ve seen on May astrology that we have a long bout of positive synchronicity. Perhaps this is a case of that. We will see!


Timewave Zero Update

Thank you Galactic Free Press for posting this for me to find!