Tag: Joy

Musings for 1/18/2017

I sincerely hope that Abraham-Hicks doesn’t mind me using their quote/pic. It had great meaning for me yesterday and that’s what I want to write about today. I have been quiet again. It’s hard to explain why I become paralyzed and unable to interact with the exception of meaningless posts on FaceBook, and for undetermined …

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Musings for 10/5/2016

Making myself communicate again 🙂 Sometimes I am full of thoughts, write an entire blog post in my mind, but I just can’t put it on paper. I have been having highs and lows lately, and if I wait just a few minutes to begin writing then I find myself in a low again and …

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Daily Musing for 2/19/2016

Ha! I am at a loss for a title again and too tired to think up one, so I will just stick with this out of pure laziness. I am able to make the decision to be lazy without feeling guilty aren’t I? Of course I am, and you are too. Just be honest about …

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