Category: Multidimensional Human

I Want To OBE by June Stephansen

I want to OBE By June Stephansen Many people are experiencing phenomena called the “Out of Body Experience”.  It seems that the occurrence in the 5 D has taken off to a running start because several individuals who are OBEing are recognizing the experience in “Mid Sleep State Cycle” or the awakened state of sleeping …

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Paralysis During Dreamstate/Sleeping

Paralysis During Dreamstate/Sleeping By June Stephansen The subject of “Paralysis” has come up in various conversations over the years and no one had been able to clearly define why it happens to many awakened spiritual people, including the advance teachers, warriors and healers for whom often find themselves waking up to not being able to …

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Portals and New Beginnings

As I sit here drinking yet another cup of coffee this morning, I was drawn to write about the most important topic of portals. This isn’t an article so I will just write as it comes and as asked. I’ve already tried to call the topic a “subject” but was quickly corrected as I wasn’t …

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Lord Metatron – Ascension and Transmutation (repost)

This is a great article I got from the Galactic Free Press site. I am sure they credited the original site there. Enjoy – talks a lot about ascension and I found it to be very helpful. Long, so I did not post text, but worth the read.

All I want for Christmas is me…from Joelle of the Galactic Federation of Light, 11th Dimensional Being “Ground Crew”

All I want for Christmas is me… It’s been many years now since I have done the Christmas thing.  It’s not part of who I am but although many people ask “what are you doing for Christmas”, I continue to say “I don’t do Christmas, well at least not in the way other people do …

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The Return of the Queen, or more simply, the Rise of the Feminine

I said awhile ago that I would write again about the return of the feminine energies. Well after saying that, I took a spirit guide bath and I connected, and I just kept being shown images of the Lord of the Rings, more specifically, The Return of the King. I have long been deeply impressed, …

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The Thrive Movement

This is the most awesome thing I have seen lately. I couldn’t believe how well done it was, and it moved me to tears more than once. Please take the time to watch! Anna Website: Video:

The “Make You Strong” Energy of 10/10/12

The energy that I have experienced this year has been astounding. In fact, every time that we have a major gate occur, I end up going very deep within and not wanting to speak, write, or be around anyone else’s energy. It’s like the energy itself is draining and I am already being bombarded with …

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September 26, 2012 – What Now?

It’s funny how as I write a title for what I am going to write on any given day, the title just writes itself and then the blog or article follows suit. Most of the time I do not know why I write a title in the way it comes out, but alas, it reveals …

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Blog for August 20, 2012

Well, so much for saying I will write on a regular basis. That just isn’t in the cards for me this year, or last! I wonder if others feel the same way I do, as in I see this year specifically as a wrap up for me in terms of finishing life lessons, sort of …

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