Category: Emotional Clearing

The Cleansing Fire

This morning, so far, I am teetering on the brink of sadness and being OK. I think I am mostly OK. For now. I have just realized that I am being “gutted by fire” at the moment. Erin’s death left me empty enough already, and I had previously described myself as a house that had …

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Pain to Peace, Parts 3 & 4

I wasn’t sure what I was going to write this morning, because I have some other thoughts swirling around, but I think they need more time to cook before they come out. Yet here I am. So on to the Pain to Peace section taken from Turning the Corner on Grief Street, by Terri Daniel… …

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Pain to Peace Pt. 2

I am not feeling so hot right now, which is why I picked up my “pen and paper” and got right to it this morning. The second point in the Pain to Peace chapter, is called We Invite In What We Would Usually Try to Avoid. Here is the sub text: “When faced with intense …

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Pain to Peace, Theoretically

The title, Pain to Peace, is the title of a section of the book I mentioned yesterday (Turning the Corner on Grief Street by Terri Daniel). I read the entire book by the way already. It gave me some comfort, and it was constructive. She writes it from a higher perspective, so if you are …

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The Hike and After

Well I took no pictures of my hike. I don’t know why but I completely forgot. It was hot, and I am out of shape and thus was sweaty and out of breath when I got to the place where I knew I was going to sit for awhile. I ended up sitting in the …

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Walking In Someone’s Shoes

I snagged this image from The Grief Toolbox, who clearly got it from Compassionate Friends, and posted it on FaceBook. When I saw it I thought, UGH, OK I have to address what has been going through my mind for the past hour or so. It’s time for me to do some emotional clearing and …

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