Musings for 10/17/2017

Yesterday was my mother Linda’s birthday. She would have been 74 years old, and in the picture she was 71 (her last birthday). I was going to post in her honor yesterday but was bummed about the date so held off until today. Mom loved parties and having a good time, so next time you are out make sure and raise a drink to her.

It is hard to describe the change in my overall feelings and demeanor in the past few weeks, but the clarity that my latest studies in spiritual things have given me is a big factor. Erin’s message constantly told me to believe and suddenly I am immersed in information that adds to my belief. I guess I got a reprieve from the doubt that plagued my 3D mind and heart on a constant basis and have “evened out.” Not much else has changed. I still tell her good morning and good night and how much I miss her (several times a day, many times with tears).

Over the past week we have also painted “Mom’s” bedroom and bath. In her right mind, she would really like the color (Sherwin Williams Garden Sage for the bedroom and Whole Wheat for the bath). I also polished her furniture up good, but took down her pictures that remained. She had a sort of tapestry from Ireland that was a recipe for Irish Coffee that I moved to my media room, and I am going to rehang my grandma and grandfather. I had the picture framed for her when we moved her to this house in 2013 and it’s a nice picture of them, but she had pictures on every square inch of wall space during her time here due to the dementia, so they were sort of badly hung.

We also had a lovely man paint our fence. You’d think that was no sentimental value, but it was last painted when we bought the house. Which makes me think of Erin. And Mom. But at least it looks nice.

I am well-aware of the changes in energy that a paint job bring, and cleaning. If you feel heaviness just spring clean and paint and you will feel better in no time at all. It keeps the energy moving and moves the old energy out.

I also re-appropriated a table I had bought her for her records and player. I plan to use it for altar space to put my “precious” or “pretties” on and am excited about that. The fact that it was used for music is interesting. I guess the harmonics called out to me! LOL

Otherwise, though, the outlook is bleak. I found out a high school friend was beaten with a baseball bat outside of a local bar two nights ago and is in the hospital waiting for brain surgery. An extended family member (who I don’t know well but is a nice person) has an inoperable aneurysm, and my mother in law broke her ankle. I’ve already told you my Aunt has cancer, and another Aunt by marriage died recently.

This suffering is not reality. I choose to believe it is an illusion and that Love is the key. I have recently been able to feel better because I had the clarity to realize I had to love myself, the Self that had done the best she could at the time (whenever/wherever that was). If you don’t have the strength to love you, then start by loving another. Beam your love out and it will come back. It has come back to me and kept me going and made me a better person. It changes you.

As with all of these, I have no idea why I wrote all of this to you today. I hope you weren’t bored. I was a little bored, but again, have no idea why those topics poured out. Blessings and love <3 #missingerin