
I was just typing a thank you to someone and was about to ask if they thought maybe in a few weeks, if they could come help me go through Erin’s room and begin to – I guess dispose of – her things. I no more got the word “things” in a short sentence typed out than the entire laptop shut down. Fully charged, plugged in, screen went to black and I heard a click and it was off. I guess Erin isn’t ready for me to do that yet? Well that was a clear message to me anyway.

Shaun and I went on a bike ride just now. I’m still off work for now and it was a nice way to exercise together. But all along the bike ride were memories of Erin. She loved to go ride bikes, and did it with her dad more than the three of us or myself alone. They used to ride around McMullen Cove and ride to the old silo, up past the pool, really the entire route we took. She had a really cool Monster High bike, but she was so tall (5′) that she grew out of it. Plus some of the terrain was rough on that bike, so Santa brought her a teen sized mountain bike for Christmas. She rode it a handful of times, mostly since when her back was hurting the bumps made it painful. She and Simone Howley did take both bikes around the Coventry pond out here, though, when Simone would come over. I guess maybe I was too hard on them, but there are construction workers all around and I had to tell Erin a very firm NO the last time because I was worried they would get snatched. She really enjoyed it though.

I guess that is all for now. Just memories that came to mind after the shut down.